Saturday, June 20, 2020


While re-watching the Netflix series, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, I was struck how much depth they create in their story and world by "showing" and not using exposition.  That is always touted as the superior path of story telling, and I appreciate it in my media consumption.  It allows for asking of questions, seeking answers, asking questions of those answers, and so on. But I wonder how effective is that in a TTRPG.
Perhaps the table needs to want that kind of presentation. I can see how it could slow things down and cause confusion which causes frustration and a bad experience, if people just want to KNOW what is going on and what to do.
Maybe this just gets tossed on the heap of "ideas that would be fun 'someday'" and just enjoy that time if it ever comes.

Friday, June 12, 2020


Another error I made before.

I focused in so much on my story and idea that I never let the players interact.  It was a classic railroad, but I thought I was being so clever and I would "never do that." No one ever said anything about it to me, but I knew they were not having fun. But it was never discussed so it took me a long time to realize the actual source of the issue.
