Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Daily Dram: The Silver Sea

The warm wind blew across the tops of the aspen making their silver leaves shimmer in the sun.  It continues eastward, flowing over the hundreds of miles of forest and up into the Helzoun Mountains where it finally loses all warmth and life. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Daily Dram: Hael Thornweaver

His hands had slight tremble.  Hael shook them trying to stay relaxed for the final portion the trial.  He had to strike five of the seven targets with only three castings of Stinging Nettles.  What made it worse was that the targets would be moving to simulate an actual battlefield, thanks to Captain Thandrin Ulim's magic.  Hael stepped into the training ring determined to earn the wings of Owl Corps

Monday, September 3, 2018

Daily Dram: Bee Stings

Hael Thornweaver stood among the aspen, surveying the goblins encamped in the clearing.  This latest foray of the Split-tongue clan would be turned back, as always.  With the signal given, Hael and the others of his order began sending needles streaking from their fingertips.  By the time the sides joined in melee, the goblins had their numbers reduced by almost a third.