The tale told in taverns around Icewind Dale about the morningstar crafted by a necromancer of Cormyr...
This black and silver morningstar was created by a Cormyrean necromancer called Dameth the Wan. Although it appears to be a sinister weapon, the unadorned surfaces of the morning star mask its dreadful power. The weapon was sold to a priest of Myrkul who put it to good use in his battles against adventurers. Eventually, however, the priest was overcome by a paladin of Lathander who confiscated the item. When the mountain temple where the morning star was contained was sacked by giants in 1190 DR, the history of the weapon ended.
2.0/IWD Statistics
Morningstar +3, 10% all hits cast cure light wounds on user and give +1 bonus to strength for 5 rounds, Not usable by Good
The power of death still lasts across time.
5th Edition Statistics
ATTUNEMENT (Non-Good alignment, offer a sacrifice prescribed by a priest of Myrkul): Morningstar +2, On Critical Hits, cast Cure Wounds as a first level spell on self and gain +1 Strength (up to a total maximum of 20) for 5 rounds.
NB: 5th Edition Pantheon is a curious thing as it does indeed list many of the deities thought lost and dead, as being still existent (Basic Rules, pg 108).
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