Friday, May 22, 2015

A Step Back in Time, Mirtul 1281 DR

In a time before Dragons and Cultists sought the power of Tiamat, (1489 DR)
In a time before the Spellplague ripped both lands and magic, (1385 DR)
In a time before gods were thrown down to walk among men, (1358 DR)
In a time before even Drizzt (b. 1287 DR),
There was the North,
There was Kuldahar.

Kuldahar at Evening
(in game artwork)
Kuldahar was a small village in a remote pass of the Spine to the south and east of Easthaven, which is a member of the Ten-Towns in a region known as Icewind Dale.  The Great Oak that grew up and sheltered the entire village in its branches and massive roots was a gift from Silvanus to his faithful and those travelers seeking refuge in the wild North.

This town was used in (and created by) the computer role-playing game developed in 2000 by Black Isle Studios, Icewind Dale.  It has since been re-mastered and updated using the original artwork and rule system (modified 3.x) into the product by the developer Beamdog, to its Enhance Edition.

I greatly enjoyed this game.  The music, artwork, and lore were so captivating that it has served for great inspiration for my own D&D campaigns I have done.  With the advent of 5th Edition, recapturing the feel of the "Old School", I've turned my attention to the possibility of rebuilding the campaign into the world of 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons.

So from the inspiration of the first sets of campaigns that Wizards of the Coast have released, I going to attempt to do a fan re-creation of how the campaign would work now.  This project will probably take a fair bit of time, and with Fantasy Grounds and Legends of the Sword Coast on the table, perhaps an official version will beat me to the punch.

My resources for this will be my own personal play-through, the various publishing that Wizards of the Coast have done so far for 5th Edition, Forgotten Realms Wikia, Mike's RPG Center, and others.

So here's to a fun little hobby, and some music you can enjoy it by....

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